What is Teeth Extraction and is It Painful?

What is Teeth Extraction and is It Painful?

May 01, 2021

Although our teeth are strong and designed to last for a lifetime, certain factors affect the teeth leading to their removal. Teeth extraction may seem to be a routine dental procedure, but we only do it when it is necessary. The primary goal of most of our dental treatments is to preserve your teeth and oral health. The dentist can recommend tooth extraction near you when you have badly damaged teeth that cannot be salvaged or when you need wisdom teeth removal.

Tooth extraction is the pulling of the teeth from your socket. And it is important to know what to expect and how the procedure is done.

Why Are Teeth Removed?

A tooth removal dentist in Weston, Toronto, ON, may recommend tooth extraction if you have any of the following dental problems:

  • Severely damaged teeth

Dental decay and cavities can cause the teeth to wear out and get damaged. When you have moderate decay, the dentist may choose dental fillings or perform a root canal procedure. However, when you have severely damaged teeth, tooth extraction may be the treatment of choice to stop further damage and preserve your structure.

  • Impacted teeth

When you have insufficient jaw space, your teeth may get impacted underneath the gums. The wisdom teeth are the most affected because they mostly come out after the jaw has attained maturity. Impacted wisdom teeth removal is the most common reason why extraction is done.

  • Overcrowded teeth

Dental overcrowding occurs when you have narrow jaws that cannot accommodate the teeth. When your teeth are crowded, it may damage your dental health and cause the jaw to weaken. The dentist may do a tooth extraction to pave way for orthodontia. This is the teeth alignment procedure that corrects the position of the teeth.

  • Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease causes the gum to recede which exposes the root and increases the risk of decay. Infected tooth removal is necessary for your gum disease treatment to prevent further damage.

  • Overstayed primary teeth

If the teeth do not fall out on time, tooth removal may be necessary to make room for permanent teeth.

What Can You Expect During Your Appointment?

The tooth extraction procedure is different based on the type of extraction. The dentist can either do simple or surgical extraction. Simple tooth removal is done on visible teeth while the surgical one is reserved for the teeth that lie beneath the gums.

Simple extraction lasts for about 20 minutes and the dentist uses dental forceps to loosen the teeth and pull them out.

Surgical procedure is mostly done in wisdom teeth extraction. The dentist will cut the teeth into pieces for easy extraction.

The dentist will numb the gums before removing the teeth to ease discomfort. Dental sedation is at times used to relax and keep you calm if you have dental phobia.

What Happens After?

You may experience pain after the anesthesia wears out. It is recommended not to eat anything until the numbness clears to avoid hurting your tongue or cheeks.

Bleeding is a common problem, but it usually lasts for a couple of hours. The dentist will place a gauze pad on the socket to control the bleeding.

A day after the extraction, a blood clot forms in the socket to facilitate healing. It is important to protect the blood clot to keep it from breaking. When it breaks, you will have a dry socket that not only affects the healing process but also causes bad breath.

When to Visit the Dentist?

Pain, swelling, and bleeding are common occurrences after your teeth are removed. These problems will clear after a while, but if they do not, it is crucial to contact the dentist. Also, if you accidentally break the blood clot, visit the dentist. He will clean the socket and dress it again to stop the pain.

How Long Does it Take to Recover?

The healing process will depend on the type of extraction done. For a simple extraction, the gums will take three days to heal. It may take longer for surgical teeth removal as the soft tissues need to heal.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit King and Weston Dental for more information about tooth extraction procedures.

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